English for Tax Professionals

English for Tax Professionals

English for Tax Professionals
Title English for Tax Professionals
Editor Darussalam, Danny Septriadi, and Seftyana Trisia Pardosi.
Publisher DDTC
Published June 2023

This book is designed specifically for people who work in the field of taxation and need basic English to communicate with colleagues and clients in a variety of situations. In this course, you will learn tax-related language and how to achieve your goals in small talk, meetings, presentations, on the phone, and email.

English for Tax Professionals covers five units, each dealing with a different aspect of taxation. Each unit begins with a starter, which can be an illustration, a brainstorming session or a quiz. In addition, you will be able to learn the important vocabulary and useful expressions using dialogues, texts and authentic documents. As part of the exercises, there are also role-plays in which you can practise the target language in a realistic situation. Throughout the book, there are Did You Know? boxes that give extra information about taxation and general information about working in the field of taxation in Indonesia.

At the end of English for Tax Professionals, you will find the Answer Key, to which you can refer to check your answers and Transcripts of all the listening sections. All the Listening sections are provided on DDTC YouTube, DDTC Indonesia. These can be played for free on the YouTube platform.

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English for Tax Professionals
Title English for Tax Professionals
Editor Darussalam, Danny Septriadi, and Seftyana Trisia Pardosi.
Publisher DDTC
Published May 2023

This book is designed specifically for people who work in the field of taxation and need basic English to communicate with colleagues and clients in a variety of situations. In this course, you will learn tax-related language and how to achieve your goals in small talk, meetings, presentations, on the phone, and email.

English for Tax Professionals covers five units, each dealing with a different aspect of taxation. Each unit begins with a starter, which can be an illustration, a brainstorming session or a quiz. In addition, you will be able to learn the important vocabulary and useful expressions using dialogues, texts and authentic documents. As part of the exercises, there are also role-plays in which you can practise the target language in a realistic situation. Throughout the book, there are Did You Know? boxes that give extra information about taxation and general information about working in the field of taxation in Indonesia.

At the end of English for Tax Professionals, you will find the Answer Key, to which you can refer to check your answers and Transcripts of all the listening sections. All the Listening sections are provided on DDTC YouTube, DDTC Indonesia. These can be played for free on the YouTube platform.

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